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E-Edition, Volume 17-4

Published October, 2020 

Piccadilly Books, Ltd. 

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Bruce Fife, N.D. Publisher  

Stories in this issue:

See new links to free online summits click here


What we are told about the COVID-19 pandemic is insanely wrong! This pandemic didn’t come about by chance. It was a carefully orchestrated and planned event—a plandemic. read more

Vitamin C Treatment of COVID-19

Vitamin C Treatment of COVID-19: Case Reports

The media and health authorities all claim that we must have a vaccine to fight COVID-19, nothing else is effective. But this is a lie. There are many treatments currently available that have proven successful in the fight against COVID-19. One of which is intravenous (IV) vitamin C.  read more

Brainwashing Studies

Psychological studies designed to compel people to get the COVID-19 vaccine are currently being conducted at universities. read more

Censorship and the Media

Censorship and the Media

While most media outlets are censoring information on COVID-19, there is an unlikely source that that has managed to side-step the censors.  read more

Did You Mis Healthy Ways Newsletter 17-3

Did You Mis Healthy Ways Newsletter 17-3

Issue 17-3 covers: Who is Behind the COVID-19 Pandemic? — Links to Additional Information about COVID-19 — Are You Ready for the COVID-19 Vaccine? Not So Fast: You May Already Be Immune read more


Exposing the Greed, Corruption, and Fraud Behind the COVID-19 Pandemic

What we are told about the COVID-19 pandemic is insanely wrong! This pandemic didn’t come about by chance. It was a carefully orchestrated and planned event—a plandemic.

Contrary to the narrative projected by the mainstream media and public health officials, the COVID-19 pandemic did not start in Wuhan, China in December 2019, but began years earlier in boardrooms across the globe among some of the world’s richest businessmen and women. Every step of the pandemic was carefully thought-out and planned to the tiniest detail, from the selection of the infectious agent (SARS-Cov-2) to its method of release, and how it would be publically promoted to generate the greatest amount of fear and panic. The exact steps taken to manage the plandemic were designed to maximize the world’s fear and make us more willing to accept and even demand mass vaccinations. Fear and peer pressure would guarantee an extraordinarily high vaccination rate.

In order for the plandemic to work, it had to be caused by a “novel” or new virus, one in which no one had immunity to and one for which there were no existing antivirals or vaccines to fight it, requiring the development of new, and expensive, drugs to treat it. It would be a ticket to great wealth for drug makers and shareholders. Such a virus may be the product of genetic mutations that allow a deadly animal virus to jump to a human host. This type of research is being done all over the world. It would be relatively easy to find a suitable virus and have it secretly released so that it appears to be the result of a natural processes of transferring from animals to humans—a process that is known to happen. No one would be the wiser.

The SARS (SARS-CoV) coronavirus was a perfect candidate. It was responsible for the SARS outbreak in 2002, which was highly fatal. A number of labs throughout the world had been studying this virus, some of which were investigating how it could become more contagious and more lethal. Such a virus would be ideal for a pandemic. The result was the novel SARS-CoV-2 virus, the cause of COVID-19.

The wearing of face masks, social distancing, closing of businesses and parks, banning of public gatherings and other drastic measures were mandated, often with the penalty of arrest or hefty fines for those who disobeyed. This was the first time in history that healthy individuals have been quarantined in order to prevent the spread of disease. It is also the first time countries have forcibly closed down businesses, banned people from going to work and making a living, except for government workers and a select few businesses deemed “essential,” resulting in widespread economic and social turmoil for most citizens.

Was the pandemic as serious as the media and government health officials claimed? The facts don’t fit the scenario we’ve been fed. The CDC admits the COVID-19 death count has been grossly overinflated. According to data recently released by the CDC, only 6 percent of all reported COVID-19 deaths can actually be attributed solely to the coronavirus.[1] Reported deaths from influenza and other respiratory infections virtually stopped after March 2020. The flu was rarely mentioned after that date. Did the flu suddenly cease to exist? Doctors reported COVID-19 fatalities on death certificates even when the patients’ actual deaths were caused by influenza, heart attacks, cancer, and other fatal diseases as well as accidents, and suicide. Why were the COVID-19 deaths inflated? Why has the pandemic that crippled our economy and society been dramatically over-exaggerated? Why are the numbers used to justify all of the aggressive measures and that have taken away our freedoms been so very wrong?

Never in the history of the world have governments and health officials taken such drastic measures to combat an infectious disease. Why was this virus any different from previous outbreaks? Was it because it was more virulent, more contagious, or a greater threat? Or was there something else behind all the steps taken to address this particular outbreak at this particular time, something we are not being told?

My new book, Plandemic, answers these questions and exposes the greed, corruption, and fraud behind the COVID-19 pandemic. The true story of the COVID-19 pandemic plays out with all the intrigue and corruption of a Hollywood suspense thriller, except this story is frightfully true.

There are currently more than 100 research programs around the world working on developing COVID-19 vaccines, including 10 that have reached the clinical evaluation stage as of June 2020. Fast-tracking allows them to skip important steps, such as adequate animal testing, to assure safety. Fast-tracking, allows developers to skip some of the testing procedures and go straight to human trials. If no serious side effects occur after a few of weeks, the vaccine is considered safe and can be mass produced and distributed. One problem is that serious side effects may not show up until several months later.

Plandemic: Exposing the Greed, Corruption, and Fraud Behind the COVID-19 Pandemic

Plandemic: Exposing the Greed, Corruption, and Fraud Behind the COVID-19 Pandemic
by Dr. Bruce Fife
Available from Piccadilly Books, Ltd.
for more information or to order click here 

In this book, you will discover how a select group of billionaires and their minions in authority over us (government and health officials) fooled us and how they persuaded us to follow insane measures to supposedly “slow the spread of the disease”, and how they are profiting and plan to continue to profit off of us.

Their solution to the problem is motivated by greed and a lust for power, not by any concern they might have for your health and welfare. In fact, following their planned agenda will take away your freedom of choice and put your health at risk.

For some who have unquestionable faith in the honesty and integrity of government officials, drug companies, and public health authorities, it may be difficult to believe. To those who already recognize the corruption found in government and businesses regarding health and personal choice, it makes complete sense.

Everything stated in this book is true—all statements are referenced to their sources so that you can verify and confirm that they are not theories or fabrications of my own.

The information in this book is important because our health freedom is at risk of being taken away. We are being lied to in order to voluntarily give up our rights and freedom of choice in regards to making informed decisions about our health and the health of our families. We are encouraged and even compelled to surrender these choices to a few select individuals who hold positions of power and authority over us—individuals with morally questionable motives, with their own interests in mind, and little regard for us.

The purpose of this book is to expose the truth behind the COVID-19 plandemic so that you will be aware of the facts and to empower you with knowledge so that you can make informed decisions regarding your own health and welfare.

Don’t think this is the last global health crisis we will face, it is only the beginning. The information in this book will help you distinguish between a real health crisis and a fraudulent one and what you can do about it.

You will not get the truth from Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, or Google, as the billionaires who control these companies are in league with Big Pharma to deceive you and take away your health freedoms. Big Tech is actively censoring the truth about COVID-19. Physicians and medical researchers have had their websites, blogs, and social media blocked and shut down to keep them quiet. What are they saying that warrants mass censorship?

I have even been targeted by the censors. The most recent attack against me has been to prevent the publication of this new book. When I submitted the paperback edition of Plandemic to, it was immediately banned. Essentially, I was told they would not allow it for sale because it did not conform to the narrative coming from The World Health Organization (WHO) and the CDC, even though their information is often contradictory and is continually changing.

I found it odd that Amazon would ban my book for being too controversial when they sell other titles which are objectionable to many people, such as Mein Kampf, The Anarchist’s Cookbook, and Bestiality and Zoophilia: Sexual Relations with Animals. They even sell numerous conspiracy theory titles such as The Illuminati: Secrets of a New World Order. What sets my book apart for censorship? My book doesn’t fit the definition of a conspiracy theory because everything in it comes from government sources, published medical studies, reputable scientists and physicians, reliable news sources, and the historical record, and includes references and links so the reader can verify the statements and statistics I quote.

 I was puzzled by this censorship for simply giving the facts. However, Amazon has done this to me before. When I first started writing about the health benefits of coconut and coconut oil some years ago they blocked the sale of one of my coconut books. They never explained why. At the time, I received a great deal of criticism from anti-saturated fat fanatics for promoting the use of this “deadly” saturated fat. Perhaps the diet police at Amazon decided my book was too dangerous for the public good and blocked it. I submitted the coconut book a second time. This time it passed by the sensors and was listed and sold on Amazon. Since resubmitting the coconut book worked, I tried resubmitting Plandemic. It was rejected again.

Amazon prides itself on listing all published books on its website, and as they have stated even “books that some may find objectionable.” Consequently, Plandemic is listed on Amazon but it is permanently marked as “temporally out of stock.” Currently, you cannot purchase the paperback edition from Amazon. Interestingly, the Kindle edition of the book initially slipped by the censors and is available. I’ve offered the Kindle version for free. The Kindle edition is currently available from Amazon, but may be blocked at any time. If you are interested in learning the truth about the COVID-19 pandemic, I suggest you order the book now before it too is banned. This information is hard to find otherwise.

The paperback edition of Plandemic: Exposing the Greed, Corruption, and Fraud Behind the COVID-19 Pandemic is available from Barnes & Nobel. You may find other books that use the word “Plandemic” in their titles, so you need to look for the subtitle as well. You can order it from any Barnes & Nobel bookstore or online. It is also available on my publishing website at, although quantities are limited and will be sold on a first come first serve basis.



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Vitamin C Treatment of COVID-19: Case Reports

By Andrew W. Saul, Ph.D. and Dr. X

Editor’s note: The media and health authorities all claim that we must have a vaccine to fight COVID-19, nothing else is effective. But this is a lie. There are many treatments currently available that have proven successful in the fight against COVID-19. One of which is intravenous (IV) vitamin C. IV C as it is commonly referred to, infuses large doses (typically 25-50 grams) of vitamin C into the bloodstream. This process has proven to significantly boost immune function and fight off some of the most deadly viruses, including SARS-CoV-2. Treatment lasts for about an hour and can be repeated over a period of several days.

Many years ago, when I was first starting out in the natural healing field, a physician said to me, "You are lucky. You have no license to lose." When doctors are to be silenced, they are simply threatened with loss of their license to practice medicine. State licensing board attacks on physicians are private and administrative. Such proceedings never get to open court; they never get to a jury. It is all behind closed doors. The most effective instrument of compliance is a bureaucracy, not the judiciary.

And it works.

That is why I am publishing this series of 22 case reports from a board-certified specialist but without revealing the doctor’s name [Dr. X]. I want this physician to keep being able to practice and heal sick people.

Read them and decide for yourself about the merits of vitamin C against COVID-19.

1. 47 y/o female with PMH (previous medical history) of anxiety, depression, hypothyroid presented with 11 day history of fatigue, dry cough, sore throat, muscle aches, SOB (shortness of breath), abdominal pain and loss of appetite. She tested positive for COVID and received 3 consecutive days of IV Vitamin C 25 grams. By day 3, fatigue, cough, SOB and appetite all improved.

2. 63 y/o AAF (African American female) with PMH of sickle cell trait presented with 10 day history of fatigue, dry cough, sore throat, fever, muscle aches, congestion, headache, SOB, nausea. Patient was COVID positive and received 3 consecutive days of IV Vitamin C 7.5/25/25 grams. By day 3, fever and headache resolved. Fatigue, cough, aches, and SOB all significantly improved.

3. 35 y/o WM (white male) with PMH of HTN (hypertension, i.e. high blood pressure), high cholesterol, sleep apnea presented with 1 week of cough, DOE (dyspnea on exertion, i.e. gets out of breath with exercise), fatigue. Patient was COVID positive and received 3 consecutive days of IV Vitamin C 25 grams. By day 3, fever resolved, fatigue was improving, and cough and DOE significantly improved.

4. 36 y/o WM COVID positive with no PMH presented with 4 day history of dry cough, chills/sweats, SOB and headache. Patient received 3 days of 25 grams of IV Vitamin C. By day 3, cough was still present and patient did have a loss of taste and smell but otherwise had no complaints.

5. 66 y/o male COVID positive with PMH of asthma, DM (diabetes) HTN presented to the clinic with 9 days of fatigue, cough, body aches, sinus congestion, HA (headache), SOB, diarrhea, and loss of appetite. Patient received 3 consecutive days of IV Vitamin C 25 grams. By the end of day 3, fatigue, SOB, cough improved slightly, and his aches, congestion, diarrhea and HA resolved.

6. 30 y/o AAM (African American male) with PMH of HTN and DM presented with 2 week history of fatigue, sinus congestion, productive cough, SOB and loss of appetite. He tested positive for COVID the day before arriving to our clinic. Patient received 3 consecutive days of IV Vitamin C 25 grams. By day 3, fatigue and sinus congestion improved. His appetite was back to normal. Cough and SOB significantly improved and he was able to walk up stairs again.

7. 19 year old WF (white female) with no past medical history. She tested positive for COVID. Symptoms of fatigue and sinus congestion have been present for 1 day. She completed 3 days of vitamin C IV, 25 grams. On day 3 she had no symptoms except for slight loss in sense of smell and taste.

8. A 19 year old WM with a history of asthma and pertussis as a child. He tested positive for COVID. He has been having symptoms of fatigue, dry cough, sore throat, muscle ache , sinus congestion, headache, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and loss of appetite for 4-5 days prior to visit. He completed 3 days of vitamin C IV 25. By day 3 he had no symptoms and felt great.

9. 67 y/o WM with PMH of diabetes and hypothyroid presented with symptoms for 1 month including fever, fatigue, cough, body aches and headache. He tested positive for COVID 1 week prior to his arrival to the clinic. Patient received 3 consecutive days of IV Vitamin C 25 grams. By the end of the 3rd day, his fever, headache and body aches resolved, and fatigue and cough significantly improved.

10. 60 y/o male with PMH of DM2 (diabetes type 2) presented with symptoms for 1 week. COVID positive. Symptoms included fever, fatigue, dry cough, muscle aches, congestion, headache, SOB, abdominal pain, and nausea. He also had chills/sweats and loss of taste and smell. Patient received 3 consecutive days of IV Vitamin C 25 grams. By the end of the 3rd day, his cough was slightly improved, headache was resolved, SOB improved, nausea improved, chills and sweats resolved, and taste and smell were coming back.

11. 59 y/o AAM with PMH of HTN and COVID positive presented with symptoms for 3 weeks. Included fever, fatigue, headache, SOB, chills and sweats. Patient received 3 consecutive days of IV Vitamin C 25 grams. By the end of the 3rd day, fever resolved, fatigue and SOB and cough were all improving.

12. 34 y/o WF with no PMH but COVID positive presented with 4 day history of back pain and HA that did resolve prior to her first IV. She completed 3 days of IV Vitamin C 25 grams and had no symptoms on day 3.

13. 43 y/o AAF with PMH of endometriosis fibroids and b/l PE (bilateral pulmonary embolism, i.e. blood clots in lungs) and COVID positive presented with symptoms for 8 days. These included fatigue, dry cough, sore throat, mild SOB, diarrhea, chest pain with coughing. Patient received 3 consecutive days of IV Vitamin C 25 grams. By the end of the 3rd day, fatigue, cough and sore throat and chest pain resolved and patient reported feeling much better overall.

14. 38 y/o AAF with PMH of ADHD and COVID positive presented with 2 days of fatigue. Patient received 3 consecutive days of IV Vitamin C 25 grams. By the end of the 3rd day, her fatigue was improved and patient had no other symptoms.

15. 45 y/o AAF with PMH of hypercholesterolemia and CVA (cardiovascular attack i.e. stroke) and COVID positive presented with symptoms for 2.5 weeks. These included fatigue, cough, HA, SOB, nausea, chest tightness, loss of appetite. Patient received 3 consecutive days of IV Vitamin C 25 grams. By the end of the 3rd day, patient reported improvement in fatigue, cough, SOB. Nausea resolved. Chest tightness was minimal.

16. 41 y/o WM with no PMH and COVID positive presented with 9 days of fatigue, dry cough, and headache. Patient received 3 consecutive days of IV Vitamin C 25 grams. By the end of the 3rd day, fatigue was improving, cough was minimal, and headache had resolved.

17. A 67 y/o female with PMH of high cholesterol and COVID positive presented with 1 week of symptoms including fatigue, nausea, fever, and poor appetite. Patient received 3 consecutive days of IV Vitamin C 25 grams. By the end of the 3rd day, fever resolved and fatigue was improving.

18. A 65 y/o female with PMH of Hashimoto's disease, depression, and COVID positive presented with 2 weeks of fatigue, chest tightness, and poor appetite. Patient received 3 consecutive days of IV Vitamin C 25 grams. By the end of the 3rd day, chest tightness resolved and fatigue was improving and appetite was improving.

19. 31 y/o female with PMH of asthma, anemia, and allergies, and COVID positive presented with 1 week of fatigue, dry cough, congestion, and loss of smell. Patient received 3 consecutive days of IV Vitamin C 25 grams. By the end of the 3rd day, smell had returned, appetite was much improved, congestion resolved, and fatigue resolved. Cough also resolved.

20. A 67 year old WM with past medical history of kidney stones. He tested positive for COVID. He started with symptoms of fever and fatigue. He completed 3 days of vitamin C IV, 25 grams. By day 3 symptoms had improved and he was back to 95%.

21. A 38 year old WF with no past medical history. She tested positive for COVID. She started with symptoms of fatigue, dry cough, sore throat, muscle ache, sinus congestion and headache that have been present for 2 days prior to her appointment. She completed 3 days of vitamin C IV 25 grams. By day 3 She felt much better and only had a mild sore throat and PND (Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea, i.e. difficulty breathing at night).

22. A 42 year old WM with no past medical history. Tested positive for COVID. Symptoms started 10 days ago. He started with fever and body aches. He also developed nasal congestion, dizziness, PND and difficulty taking deep breaths. He completed 3 days of vitamin C IV 25. By day 3 he felt much better. He still had some fatigue and mild congestion, but overall he felt much better. He is now able to take deep breaths without problems.

To sum up: Virtually all the above COVID patients received 25,000 mg of vitamin C intravenously for three days. They all recovered, and many recovered with spectacular rapidity. This information is being censored by the commercial news media. It is being kept off Facebook, Twitter, Google and YouTube. That is why OMNS has issued this release. As A. J. Liebling said decades ago, "Freedom of the press is guaranteed only to those who own one."

Withholding vitamin C treatment information from the public withholds it from the patient. We accuse the media of negligence. They can correct this at any time.

Until they do, we will do it for them.

To learn more: Several dozen articles related to vitamin therapy for COVID are posted for free access at . Many are available in French, Spanish, German, Arabic, Italian, Korean, Chinese, and Norwegian. Japanese translations may be found at .

Source: Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, free subscription link and also the OMNS archive link

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Brainwashing Studies

Psychological Studies Designed to Compel People to Get the COVID-19 Vaccine Are Being Conducted at Universities 

Drug companies are seriously concerned that after all the trouble they have gone through to promote the COVID-19 crisis that when vaccines become available many people will refuse to get them. According to a recent poll from The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research, more than a third of Americans say they would probably not get a vaccine with 15 percent saying they definitely would not. [1] In contrast, 93 percent of children in America receive the routine childhood vaccinations.

When asked why they would hesitate to get vaccinated they stated concerns about the safety of vaccines that have had limited safety and efficiency testing due to fast-tracking the vaccines to market. The number of those who are expressing concern and hesitation is growing. This hesitancy by so many people has prompted drug makers to concoct creative ways in which to brainwash the population and convince them to be vaccinated.

In addition to lobbying lawmakers to mandate forced vaccinations, drug companies are doing research on ways to compel us to get them even against our will and better judgment. Drug companies are currently funding research at Vanderbilt and Yale universities looking for the best methods to “sell” the idea to people that they need to be vaccinated and that everyone else needs it too. There seems to be a lot of better ways to spend research dollars than to do psychological studies to manipulate the population for the purpose of increasing corporate profits.

Yet this is exactly what researchers at Yale University are doing. They’ve randomized 4,000 people into one of 12 groups, with all but two control groups receiving one of 10 carefully crafted messages about the COVID vaccine.

The researchers are even investigating the effects of a message that shames people and calls them out for being cowardly (a “message which describes how firefighters, doctors, and front line medical workers are brave. Those who choose not to get vaccinated against COVID-19 are not brave”).

Yale researchers plan to “compare the reported willingness to get a COVID-19 vaccine at 3 and 6 months of it becoming available” between the 10 experimental groups and 2 control groups.[2]

The concerns about the safety and efficiency of the fast-tracked vaccines are real. Recently,

British drug-maker, AstraZeneca said it has paused global trials, including large late-stage trials, of its experimental coronavirus vaccine due to unexplained illnesses in participants, including at least two cases of transverse myelitis, a serious inflammatory syndrome that affects the spinal cord.

The vaccine, developed in partnership with the University of Oxford, has been described by the World Health Organization as probably the world’s leading candidate and the most advanced in terms of development. If AstraZeneca’s vaccine, which is considered the most advanced, has been shelved due to adverse health effects, what problems might less advanced and less thoroughly tested vaccines might have?[3]

Moderna, the first company to start human testing of a COVID-19 vaccine, has had mixed results. In preliminary trials on healthy volunteers only 18 percent developed antibodies that might protect them from infection, indicating that 82 percent had no benefit. In addition, half of the subjects suffered some type of adverse reaction, some so severe it required medical intervention.

These are the companies that have received the greatest amount of publicity and are considered the front runners in the race to develop the first effective COVID -19 vaccine. Are you willing to be a guinea pig and test these vaccines? You may not have a choice if the vaccines are mandated by law or if the drug maker’s physiological tactics work to compel you to get vaccinated—willingly or unwillingly.





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Censorship and the Media

It is near impossible to get accurate and truthful information about the COVID-19 pandemic from the mainstream media, social media, or Big Tech. YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and other tech companies have been actively censoring any truthful information about the pandemic. is banning books that speak the truth, Google has blocked and buried websites and blogs that have been trying to expose the fraud. But there is one source of truth that has managed to side-step the censors and is available online, and of all places it is found on YouTube.

Despite YouTube’s draconian efforts to ban all truthful videos about the pandemic, there are videos available here. As bizarre as it may seem, if the video is promoted as a comedy or satire, YouTube allows it to be posted. Although these videos make fun the pandemic they are totally accurate, as well as funny. You will learn more about the COVID-19 pandemic watching these videos than you would by watching the news or from social media. These videos are currently accessible on YouTube, but they too may be banned at any time. 

Check out some of the videos linked below: 

Pandemic Hotline

New Revelations on COVID-19 Death Count

Why the Lockdown Should Last Longer



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Free Online Summits

Natural Medicine At Home Masterclass: October 12-18, 2020

Experience the POWER and PROTOCOLS of natural medicine in your OWN HOME! To truly live your best life, join us to learn these effective, EVERYDAY strategies to promote healing and prevent chronic disease. Diagnosis may happen in the doctor’s office, but healing happens at home!

Go here for details

Anti-Cancer Revolution 2: October 19-25, 2020

Get personalized, evidence-based and cutting-edge cancer treatment information —and find the best holistic & integrative oncology specialists, all in one place.

 Go here for details

Anxiety Summit 6 – Toxins, Meds & Infections: November 2-8, 2020

Anxiety disorders continue to be the most prevalent of all psychiatric disorders, but it doesn’t have to be this way! Join us to learn how toxins, medications and/or infections may be an anxiety trigger — and discover powerful detox solutions and nutritional protocols that nourish and heal!

 Go here for details

Parasympathetic Summit: November 9-15, 2020

Turn on your body’s ability to heal! Internal and external stressors can impact every aspect of your well-being — digestion, detoxification, immune function, hormone health, mood and mental health. Discover how you can activate the parasympathetic state to calm inflammation, control every aspect of digestion and unlock inner calm.

 Go here for details

Did You Miss Healthy Ways Newsletter 17-3

Did You Miss Newsletter 17-3?

Issue 17-3 covers: Who is Behind the COVID-19 Pandemic? — Links to Additional Information about COVID-19 — Are You Ready for the COVID-19 Vaccine? Not So Fast: You May Already Be Immune 

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