E-Mail Edition  Volume 8   Number 2

Published Spring, 2011

Published by Piccadilly Books, Ltd., www.piccadillybooks.com.

Bruce Fife, N.D., Publisher, www.coconutresearchcenter.org

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  • Coconut Oil Cures Dementia Patient

  • Uses for MCT Oil

  • The Miracles of Vibration Therapy

  • The Benefits of Exercise are Many



Stop Alzheimer's Now!

by Dr. Bruce Fife


is now available from Piccadilly Books, Ltd.

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Coconut Oil Cures Dementia Patient


Two months ago Rev. Bruce Flett was struggling with severe dementia. He couldn't read or talk properly. He had to have help with all his basic needs. The doctor said he would never preach again. Within three hours of taking coconut oil all that changed. Now he is doing everything by himself and even working again. Recently he performed a wedding ceremony.


"I knew something had to happen soon," said Carol Flett of Paisley, Canada. "My husband, Bruce was getting worse and worse. The dementia was progressing rapidly. Bruce was finding it harder and harder to form a simple sentence. He couldn't communicate to tell me his needs; he couldn't do the simplest tasks for himself. If this kept up I wasn't sure what would happen."

Bruce Flett is a retired minister and the author of four Christian novels. In 2010 he developed endocarditis—inflammation in the heart, which in Bruce's case was caused by a fungal infection. The infection destroyed part of his heart, requiring him to have heart valve replacement surgery. The infection spread into his bloodstream and infected his spleen, gallbladder, liver, and brain. He was in critical condition and almost died two or three times, but managed to survive. The infection, however, destroyed brain tissue leaving him with dementia. The doctor told Carol it was permanent and that he would never preach again.

Bruce could no longer read or even talk properly. He had to have help with all this basic needs. Carol had to do everything for him. "I was resigned to having lost my husband," says Carol. "It was more like having to look after a small child."

Bruce took a test called a Mini Mental Status Exam (MMSE) which is used to evaluate and monitor the severity of dementia. The test has 30 questions. A score of 25-30 correct answers is considered normal. A score of 21-24 suggests mild impairment, 10-20 moderate impairment, and 9 or fewer severe impairment. Anyone who scores below 10 is severely handicapped. Bruce scored 11, indicating he was on the brink of severe dementia.

The stress of caring for her disabled husband began to take its toll on Carol. The doctor suggested putting Bruce in a nursing home. She couldn't do that. There had to be another solution. "Lord, I need your wisdom," Carol whispered in desperation. "Direct me; show me what I should do to help my husband."

The next day she had a new friend on Facebook. This friend had a link on her Facebook page to a YouTube interview with a doctor who had had success reversing her husband's Alzheimer's using coconut oil. A few weeks earlier, Carol had purchased some coconut oil at the grocery store on a whim, after a nurse had recommended it to her. She had forgotten all about it.

Inspired by the video, she gave Bruce a couple of tablespoons of coconut oil. Within three hours he was speaking in clear sentences for the first time in months. She continued to give him coconut oil daily. A month later he was taking care of all his personal needs; he was using the telephone, operating his computer on his own, and reading short books, he even began building a bookshelf, all things that he couldn't even attempt to do a month earlier.

 "I have my husband back!" she exclaims. "I still thank God for each new day that Bruce wakes up and talks to me without getting all confused."

The doctor was amazed. He ordered another MMSE test—the one that convinced him that Bruce was beyond hope. This time he scored 24 out of 30, putting him at the very cusp of normal. Carol told the doctor about the answer to her prayer and the use of coconut oil. He didn't scoff. He just said, "Keep doing what you're doing because it's working."

Bruce continues to improve each day and has resumed some of his pastoral duties such as performing marriages. Bruce and Carol have been married for 43 years and look forward to many more happy years ahead, thanks to coconut oil and an answer to prayer. 


To hear Bruce tell his experience with coconut oil click the picture below.




Source: godleadsusalong.com.











Uses for MCT Oil

Coconut oil has been described as the "healthiest oil on earth." I agree with this statement. No other dietary oil provides as many health benefits as coconut oil. Coconut oil is different from most other oils because it is composed predominately of a unique group of fat molecules known as medium chain triglycerides, otherwise referred to as MCTs.

Triglycerides are made of fatty acids—the basic building blocks of all fats and oils. Fatty acids come in different sizes. Some are long, some are short, and some are in between. Approximately 96 percent of the fats and oils in our diet consist of long chain fatty acids. Coconut oil is unique in that its triglycerides are composed predominately of medium chain fatty acids.

Triglycerides are simply three fatty acids joined together by a glycerol molecule. In most oils the fatty acids are in the form of long chain triglycerides. In coconut oil the shorter fatty acids form medium chain triglycerides.

The unique health benefits associated with coconut oil comes primarily from the MCTs. Coconut oil has a few longer chain fatty acids but consists primarily of MCTs. Coconut oil contains the highest natural concentration of MCTs—63 percent. Palm kernel oil comes in second place with about 53 percent. Butter is a distance third with only 12 percent. After that there aren't many other sources with more than a trace of MCTs. Most dietary oils, such as corn, soybean, and olive oils, have no MCTs at all.

MCTs have long been recognized by medical researchers for their nutritional and medicinal value. To take full advantage of the medical effects of MCTs, coconut and palm kernel oils have been distilled down to produce a product called MCT oil. It is sometimes referred to as fractionated coconut oil. This oil is 100 percent pure MCTs.

MCT oil was first formulated in the 1950s for patients who had trouble digesting fats composed primarily of long chain triglycerides. Since then it has been used as an ingredient in a variety of products including baby formula, medications, dietary supplements, energy bars, and protein shakes, to name just a few. Pure MCT oil is also available as a dietary supplement.


Bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts have embraced MCT oil as an aid in gaining muscle mass and losing weight. Bodybuilders are constantly dieting to reduce total body fat to around 3-5 percent. This allows for maximum muscle definition. An average healthy man has between 18-24 percent body fat and a woman 25-31 percent. In order to reduce body fat to under 5 percent requires strict dieting. However, reduced calorie diets tend to cause muscle tissue to break down to make up for some of the missing calories. Adding MCTs can supply the body's need for additional energy without breaking down muscle tissue, thus muscle mass is preserved. MCTs also stimulate metabolism and satisfy hunger, which aids in weight loss. In this case, MCT oil is preferred over coconut oil because coconut oil also contains some long chain fatty acids that are considered by bodybuilders to be a source of unwanted excess calories.

Martin Jebas


Some people may assume that since MCT oil is pure MCTs that it is superior to coconut oil. Both have their advantages and disadvantages. The biggest difference between the two oils is the composition. Coconut oil consists of a mixture of 10 different fatty acids (caproic, caprylic, capric, lauric, myistic, palmitic, stearic, arachidic, oleic, and linoleic acids). Among these, lauric acid accounts for about 50 percent of the total fatty acid content. MCT oil has only two (caprylic and capric acids). It has no lauric acid, perhaps the most important of all the medium chain fatty acids because of its superior antimicrobial properties. Therefore, in terms of fighting off infection, coconut oil would be far superior to MCT oil.

Many people complain that if they eat too much MCT oil, more than a tablespoon or two, they develop nausea, cramping, and diarrhea. This can happen with coconut oil too, but usually requires a much larger dose. So coconut oil is better tolerated. Tolerance can be increased with a gradual increase in dosage over a period of time.

Coconut oil, especially virgin coconut oil, is a natural product that has undergone minimal processing. It retains all of the natural nutrients that combine to make it the "healthiest oil on earth." MCT oil is a product of science—an attempt to improve upon nature. It is a man-made oil, distilled and refined into a purified product. Naturally occurring nutrients such as vitamin E, sterols, lauric acid, and other beneficial fatty acids have been removed. It is an RBD oil, meaning it has been refined, bleached, and deoxidized. This process doesn't necessarily make the oil harmful, but does change it significantly.

While MCT oil may not be exactly like coconut oil, it does have its uses. Because of it high MCT content, it has distinct health advantages over most other dietary oils.  If I had a choice between MCT oil and corn, soybean, safflower, canola oils, or most any other vegetable oil, I would choose MCT oil without hesitation. Like coconut oil, MCT oil is highly stable. It is resistant to oxidation that creates health damaging free radicals.

One of the characteristics of MCT oil that some people see as an advantage is that it is tasteless. It can be combined with foods without imparting a coconut taste or smell. Some people don't like the taste virgin coconut oil can give foods. Like coconut oil, MCT oil can be added to food to enhance its nutritional value. Add it to beverages, soups, stews, casseroles, and salads.

It is best to add MCT oil after cooking. MCT oil has a lower smoke point than coconut oil, so it isn't as good for cooking. The smoke point for MCT oil is 320 degrees F (160 C). The smoke point for coconut oil is about 360 degrees F (180 C). MCT oil can be used for low to medium temperature cooking but it is best used uncooked.

One of the major advantages to MCT oil is its lower melting point. It melts at about 25 degrees F (-4 C), so it will remain liquid even if refrigerated. Coconut oil, on the other hand, melts at 76 degrees F (25 C). In temperate climates it remains solid most of the time. One of the difficulties with combining coconut oil with cold foods is its high melting point. When mixed in cold beverages or poured onto chilled salads coconut oil immediately hardens. MCT oil, however, doesn't. MCT oil can be mixed into cool beverages and foods and remain liquid.

MCT oil can be made into a variety of oil based salad dressings. It also makes an excellent mayonnaise. Just about all commercial brands of mayonnaise are made using unhealthy polyunsaturated oils. Coconut oil can be made into mayonnaise too, but it is only good for immediate use. If it is stored in the refrigerator it hardens and becomes unappetizing. MCT mayonnaise remains soft and can last for a couple of weeks when refrigerated.

MCT oil can be useful as a means to increase total MCT consumption even in a diet that already includes coconut oil as its primary source of fat. For some recipes, MCT oil may be more convenient or palatable than coconut oil. See the recipes below.

MCT oil is available at most health food stores and online. One good source is Alpha Health (www.alphahealth.ca). Like coconut oil, it does not need to be refrigerated and has a shelf life of many months.





Creamy Coconut Mayonnaise

In this recipe you must use an equal mixture of coconut oil and MCT oil. If you use only MCT oil the mayonnaise will not thicken. Combining the two oils will allow the mayonnaise to thicken and will lower the melting point enough so that the mayonnaise will say soft when refrigerated.


2 egg yolks

2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar

1/2 tablespoon prepared mustard

1/8 teaspoon paprika

1/8 teaspoon salt

3/4 cup coconut oil (melted)

3/4 cup MCT oil




Combine egg yolks, vinegar, mustard, paprika, salt, and ¼ cup coconut oil into a blender or food processor. Blend for about 30 seconds. While machine is running pour in the remaining coconut oil followed by all of the MCT oil very slowly in a fine steady stream. The secret to making good mayonnaise is to add the oil slowly. Mayonnaise will thicken as oil is added. Taste and adjust seasoning as desired.



Coconut Waldorf Salad



3 or 4 apples, unpeeled, chopped into bite size pieces

1 tablespoon lemon juice

1/3 cup raisins

2/3 cup chopped celery

1/2 cup unsweetened shredded coconut

1/3 cup pecans

1/3 cup Creamy Coconut Mayonnaise (recipe above)

1 tablespoon coconut sugar or sucanat (optional)



Cut apples and sprinkle lemon juice over them. The acid in the lemon juice prevents the apples form turning brown. Mix all the ingredients together in a medium sized bowl until evenly mixed. Serve on a bed of lettuce.



Balsamic Vinaigrette Dressing

3/4 cup MCT oil

3/4 cup balsamic vinegar

1 clove garlic, crushed

1/2 teaspoon dried oregano

2 teaspoons Dijon mustard

1/8 teaspoon salt

1/8 teaspoon black pepper


 Combine all ingredients into a jar with a tight fitting lid, such as a Mason jar. Shake well and serve. Store in the refrigerator.



Raspberry Vinaigrette Dressing

1/2 cup MCT oil

1/2 cup raspberry wine vinegar

2 teaspoons Dijon mustard

1/4 teaspoon dried oregano

1/4 teaspoon black pepper


Combine all ingredients into a jar with a tight fitting lid, such as a Mason jar. Shake well and serve. Store in the refrigerator.



Asian Salad Dressing

1/2 cup MCT oil

1/3 cup of slivered or sliced almonds

2 tablespoons tamari sauce

1 tablespoon strawberry vinegar*

1/4 teaspoon ground ginger

1/4 teaspoon salt


Put MCT oil in a small saucepan. At medium to low heat sauté almonds until lightly toasted. Remove from heat and let cool to room temperature. Stir in remaining ingredients. Stir and spoon dressing over tossed green salad.

*You may use other fruit flavored vinegars as well, such as black cherry or pomegranate. If fruited vinegar is not available you can substitute apple cider vinegar.



California Coleslaw


1 medium head cabbage

1 green pepper, chopped

1 carrot, grated

1 small red onion, chopped

1 red pepper, copped

3 tablespoons parsley, minced


3/4 cup cider vinegar

1/2 teaspoon salt

3/4 cup MCT oil

4 tablespoons sugar

1/4 teaspoon pepper




Put dressing ingredients in a jar with tight fitting lid and shake until well mixed. Pour over shredded slaw and toss well. Toss before eating. Store in the refrigerator.














The Miracles of Vibration Therapy


  What do the Super Bowl XLV champion Green Bay Packers, tennis star Boris Becker, and actor Clint Eastwood all have in common? They are all users of vibration therapy. Vibration training is a powerful, yet simple form of exercise that has proven to be more effective at conditioning the body than any other form of exercise. Not only is it highly effective, but anybody can participate in it regardless of age or fitness level.

Many professional athletes and sports teams are now incorporating vibration therapy into their training schedule. Vibration therapy has shown to significantly increase muscle strength, reduce excess body fat, increase flexibility, increase bone density, and improve balance and coordination. But the benefits don't stop there, it also has a therapeutic effect stimulating healing and speeding recovery. Vibration therapy can be used as a means to enhance athletic performance or as an aid to accelerate healing and overcome certain health problems.


The classic form of vibration therapy is known as rebounding or rebound exercise. Rebound exercise is simply jumping up and down on a cushioned surface—like a trampoline. You don't need a full sized trampoline, however, to do rebound exercise. Today there are mini-tramps or "rebounders" available. When you jump on a rebounder,


your body is vibrating up and down, thus the term "vibration therapy." Rebound exercise has been described as the most efficient, most effective form of exercise ever devised by science. That's a bold statement, but as you will soon see, it is completely accurate.

Like many other forms of exercise rebounding builds muscle strength, improves coordination, and aids in weight loss. But it's also therapeutic, stimulating healing, improving circulation, increasing bone density, improving digestive function, strengthening the heart, the liver, the kidneys, the lungs, and every other organ in the body. In the process, it makes the body more resistant to disease and degeneration and stimulates healing and recovery. It is more than just a form of exercise; it is a whole body therapy that can be used to treat a wide variety of health problems.

 "I was diagnosed with D-cell lymphoma," says Mike. "I tried chemotherapy but did not cure me of the cancer. It was then that I began searching for alternative methods of getting healed of cancer. I found out about rebound exercise and once I tried it, I started to feel much better.

"I knew I had to exercise, I found exercising boring. I also knew that jogging on hard surfaces could harm my joints and bones. Having a rebounder was fantastic because I could exercise right in my own apartment and it was so much fun! I started to enjoy it greatly. I also found out that after I started rebounding for 20 minutes a day I could do more push-ups and pull-ups than before.

"When I started using the rebounder I couldn't even see my feet. This was very disturbing for me. A roll of fat on a person is trouble waiting to happen and I was very uncomfortable. Within three months I had lost 25 pounds. That was amazing to me, as if I had accomplished a miracle.

"Since I began rebounding the cancer has stopped its progress. Rebound exercise has made a drastic improvement in my health, it's unbelievable!"

Mike is one of thousands of people who are improving their health through rebound exercise. Those suffering from arthritis, varicose veins, constipation, digestive problems, excess body weight, cancer, failing eyesight, back pain, osteoporosis, and numerous other conditions have found significant relief or improvement through rebound exercise.

What's so special about vibration therapy/rebounding that makes it so much better than other forms of exercise? The answer is that it is a cellular exercise. It works by strengthening the cells and improving cellular function.

You are a cellular organism. Your skin, heart, bones, liver, kidneys, and every organ and tissues in your body is made up of cells. You are only as healthy as your cells. If your cells are healthy, you are healthy. If they are sick, you are sick.

All illness, no matter what it is, starts at the cellular level. In other words, for disease to develop, your cells must first become diseased. When enough cells are affected, the health of the entire organ and, consequently, the body is affected. Degeneration and death is the accumulation of diseased and dying cells in the body. If the cells in the body, however, were able to better withstand disease causing factors and became more efficient in their biological processes, the body, likewise, would be much more efficient and healthy. In other words, if all the cells in your body were strong and healthy, you too would be strong and healthy.

Our bodies have an amazing ability to adapt to their environment. People live in all parts of the earth from the heights of the Andes Mountains and the frozen Arctic to the dry hot desserts of north Africa. In each environment people have managed to adapt and survive. When we exercise we are manipulating our immediate environment in an effort to cause our bodies to adapt and become stronger. When you lift weights, you are adding into your environment an abnormal stress, forcing your body to adjust by building stronger muscles. Our bodies strive toward equilibrium with our environment. If we stop exercising, we lose muscle mass as a means to conserve energy.


Vibration therapy was first developed by the Soviet space program and later studied by NASA. When astronauts went into space, the weightless environment caused them to lose 15 percent of their muscle and bone mass in just 14 days. When they returned to earth the astronauts' bodies had literally wasted away. Without the constant force of gravity working on their bodies, they had less need for muscle mass and bone strength. Their bodies responded to the change in environment by eliminating unneeded tissue. Soviet cosmonauts' used vibration therapy to














strengthen their bones and muscles before going into outer space. As a result, Soviet cosmonauts were able to stay in space for 400 days, almost four times longer than American astronauts. When they returned to Earth they were able to quickly regain their former bone and muscle mass through vibration therapy.

The common denominator of all exercise is opposition to gravity. When we do push-ups, we fight against gravity. When we lift weights, we are working against gravity. Even running is dependent on opposition to gravity.

With vibration therapy or rebounding you oppose gravity, but you also utilize two other forces in nature. These two forces, for the most part, have been overlooked by other exercise methods. These forces are acceleration and deceleration. When you step on the gas pedal of your car, your body is pushed backward. That is the force of acceleration working on your body. When you step on the brake, or the "decelerator," your body is thrust forward. This is the force of deceleration working on the body.

At sea level the gravitational force pushing down on you is measured as 1 G. You don't notice it because it's a part of your normal environment and you have adapted to it. If you have ever taken a flight on a jetliner you have experienced in increase in g-force when you accelerated down the runway and lifted off the ground. You could feel your body sink into your seat. At this time you body is experiencing an increased force of gravity, as much as 2 Gs or twice the amount you experience standing on the ground. If you weigh 100 pounds at 1 G, you would literally weigh 200 pounds at 2 Gs, that's why you sink into your seat.

The moon has a gravitational force of only one-sixth that of the Earth. A rock that weighs 100 pounds on Earth, would weigh a mere 17 pounds on the moon. The opposite is true with Jupiter. The gravitational force on Jupiter is 2.5 times that of the Earth. A 100 pound Earth rock would weigh 250 pounds on Jupiter.

If we colonized Jupiter and you were sent to live there, you would weigh 2.5 times what you do here. Everything would be 2.5 times heavier. It would be a never-ending course in weight lifting. Since the human body can adapt to new environments, over time you would grow stronger. Theoretically, you could become 2.5 times stronger. If the maximum weight you could lift on Earth was 100 pounds, after living on Jupiter for a time, when you came back to Earth you would be able to lift 250 pounds. You would have developed super strength. All the muscles of your body would be super strong because your entire body was subjected to the increased gravitational pull of Jupiter. Your bones too, would become denser and much stronger, as would every other organ and tissue in your body.

In rebound exercise the forces of acceleration, deceleration, and gravity are aligned and all working on your body as you accelerate and decelerate in an up and down motion on the mat. Our bodies cannot distinguish the difference in the three forces and interprets them as simply an increase or decrease in total gravity.


When you are standing motionless on the mat, the force on your body is 1 G. As you jump, you introduce the forces of acceleration and deceleration. These forces increase and decrease the gravitational pull on your body. When you jump, your body moves up into the air. Deceleration slows down your body until you stop going up and begin to fall back down. At the top of your bounce you are momentarily at 0 G. At this point, for a fraction of a second, you are literally weightless. If a bathroom scale were attached to the bottom of your feet it would read zero. As you accelerate downward, you hit the mat and your feet sink lower than when you are simply standing motionless on the mat. Acceleration has increased the gravitational pull on your body, so you sink deeper into the mat. A bathroom scale on the bottom of your feet would indicate a weight much heavier than your true weight.

The higher you jump, the greater the g-force exerted on your body. A force of 2 Gs can be obtained by jumping only about 2 inches off the mat. If you weighed 150 pounds, at the bottom of each bounce you would literally weigh 300 pounds! You can reach a g-force of about 3 on a good rebounder, making a 150 pound person weigh 450 pounds with each bounce. This weight would be distributed over your entire body from head to toe. The average person usually experiences a g-force of between 2 to 2.5 when rebounding. This is nearly the same as if you were in the gravitational environment of Jupiter.

Our cells respond to this increase in gravity.  NASA scientists found that when astronauts were subjected to a force of 3 Gs once a day in a laboratory centrifuge, after just three days their cell membranes became fifty percent stronger than normal.

When you jump on a rebounder, your entire body is subjected to an increase in total gravitational force. Consequently your cells adjust by becoming stronger. Stronger cells means stronger tissues. This includes not only the muscle tissues in your legs and feet but also in your stomach, arms, and chest as well as the muscles of digestion and elimination, your bones, skin, connective tissues, and all vital organs. Even the cells of your eyes are strengthened by rebounding. Every muscle, every tissue in your entire body is subjected to this increase in gravity and responds by becoming stronger.

Rebounding is the only exercise that can strengthen internal organs. No other exercise can make that claim. If you want to strengthen the liver and make this organ more effective and better able to resist disease, rebound exercise is what you need. If you want to strengthen the colon, rebound exercise is necessary. Rebounding will strengthen and improve the efficiency of the kidneys, heart, blood vessels, bones, and every other organ in your body.

The stronger the cells become, the better able they are to withstand stress and the more efficiently they are able to function. Weak cells are more vulnerable to disease. This is why rebounding can help prevent disease and deterioration as well as reverse the effects of these conditions if they are already present. People who are troubled with weak and diseased cells, can strengthen them through rebounding, and in so doing regain much of their health.


Although rebound exercise looks easy, it provides an excellent full body workout. Rebounding can be gentle enough for those with serious health problems, yet intense enough for professional athletes. The reason for this is that each person determines the intensity of the workout by how hard and how vigorous he or she bounces. The bounce doesn't have to be high to provide benefit. Your feet don't even need to leave the mat. Even people who need assistance to walk can, with the aid of a specially designed stabilizing bar, get on the rebounder and jump, strengthening the legs and improving health. Many arthritis sufferers have regained the use of their legs through rebound exercise.

Because the cushioned surface of the rebounder absorbs nearly 90 percent of the impact, rebounding is very gentle on the joints and connective tissues. There is much less chance of injury in rebounding than there is

Rebounder with stabilizing bar.


with jogging, aerobics, and even brisk walking. In terms of health benefits, NASA scientists have shown that rebound exercise is 68 percent more effective than jogging, yet it is no more strenuous than walking. You get more exercise in less time and with less effort with a much reduced risk of injury.

In conventional forms of exercise only a few muscles are used at a time. For example, when doing curls with a barbell it's the biceps that get a workout. Muscles elsewhere don't benefit. Typically, you would lift the bar to your chest about 10 times, rest and repeat two more times. Then you would work on another muscle or muscle group in the same fashion. Each muscle experiences about 30 reps during the workout. A full body workout takes 1-2 hours.

Vibration therapy is the only form of exercise that affects all of the muscles in the body at the same time. With each bounce, every muscle in your body—the muscles in your fingers, ankles, back, neck, shoulders, abdomen—contracts and relaxes, just as if you were lifting a weight. Your muscles don't know the difference between lifting a weight or vibrating. You can do about 100 bounces in 1 minute. That's 100 reps per minute. If you rebound for just five minutes, you have worked each muscle in your body a total of 500 times or repetitions. In 15 minutes you have done 1,500 reps! And this is for your entire body including internal organs, not just one muscle. You get a full body workout in just a few minutes.



  Another form of vibration therapy that is becoming popular in health clubs and gyms is known as whole body vibration. Fitness trainers like to call it acceleration training. This form of exercise requires a special vibration machine. The participant stands on the platform which bounces up and down and even back and forth at a high rate of speed. These machines vibrate at about 5-40 times a second, much faster than a conventional rebounder. However, the height of each "bounce" is only a few centimeters, so the increase in g-force is probably in the range of 1.2-1.4 Gs, much less than you would get on a rebounder. Many professional athletes and sports teams are incorporating acceleration therapy in their training.


Rebound To Better Health Audio CD

by Dr. Bruce Fife





are now available from Piccadilly Books, Ltd.

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Just standing on the vibrating base gives all the muscles in the body a workout. Generally, simple stretching moves or poses are done while standing or sitting on the moving platform. This exercise is suitable for anyone at any fitness level. Intensity of the exercise is determined by the rate of vibration and the difficulty of the person's position on the platform.

Vibration machines are expensive, running into the thousands of dollars. A top quality machine can cost up to $10,000. However, with membership in a good health club you could have access to this type of equipment.

Rebounders range from about $30 to $300 or more. So they are affordable to have in the home. I don't recommend the cheap ones. They have a tendency to break or tear easily. The springs are usually cheap and way too stiff, causing jarring with each bounce putting excessive stress on the feet, ankles, and spine. For best results, I recommend the best quality rebounder you can find, one with a soft bounce and a guarantee on workmanship. A good quality rebounder can last for many years.

If you are serious about improving your health, you should consider vibration therapy as a part of your wellness program.










The Benefits of Exercise are Many

Regular exercise has many benefits. It can:


  •  Strengthen the heart and cardiovascular system

  •  Improve circulation

  •  Improve immune function

  •  Increase endurance and energy levels

  •  Lower blood pressure

  •  Improve muscle tone and strength

  •  Improve balance and joint flexibility

  •  Strengthen bones

  •  Help reduce body fat and maintain a healthy weight

  •  Help reduce stress, anxiety, and depression

  •  Boost self-esteem and confidence

  •  Improve sleep

  •  Improve feeling of well-being


Strenuous exercise is not necessary in order to obtain these benefits. Studies have shown (see below) that moderate to light exercise of about three hours a week can improve health dramatically over those people who exercise less or not at all.




Study Shows Exercise Prolongs Life

Postmenopausal women who engage in moderate physical activity more than four times a week may reduce their risk of death by more than one-third compared to their sedentary counterparts, according to results of the Iowa Women's Health Study.

"Moderate" physical activity in this study included bowling, golfing, gardening, and taking long walks. The University of Minnesota researchers tracked more than 40,000 postmenopausal women between the ages of 55 and 69 for seven years. They found that exercising even as little as once a week lowered risk of death by 24 percent during the course of the study. Vigorous activity, such as jogging, swimming, aerobics, or racquet sports, afforded the most protection. Rebound exercise would also afford maximum protection. Although the study was focused on women, it may be assumed that men, likewise, would receive similar benefit.


Source: University of Minnesota, Masonic Cancer Center. http://www.cancer.umn.edu/research



Osteoporosis and Exercise

Weight-bearing exercise such as walking, rebounding, and the use of light free-weights helps protect against osteoporosis. A study at the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging found that women who walked at least 1 mile a day (7.5 miles/week) had greater bone density than those who walked less or not at all. Exercise also helps increase muscle mass, which in turn helps strengthen bones.


Source: American Journal of Medicine.





Exercise May Extend the Life of Your DNA

 As if gray hair, brittle bones and wrinkles aren't bad enough, scientist say that as we age, the very DNA in our trillions of cells starts to fray, unravel, and disintegrate. However, a recent study by researchers from King's College in London indicates that we can slow down this degenerative process through exercise.

The researchers examined the ends of DNA strands. Called telomeres, they act something like the plastic caps on shoelaces, preventing the DNA in chromosomes from unraveling. Previous research has shown that older people have shorter ends than younger folks. Indeed, biologists say they shrink every time a cell divides.

How, exactly, does that lead to overall decrepitude? Eventually, it stops your cells from dividing and replenishing themselves. When the telomeres become short, then you start cutting into actual chromosomes where there are genes essential or our body and your health. To prevent the fraying DNA in all those aging cells from seeding malignant tumors, the body turns them dormant. Your body shuts down more and more cells every day and you degenerate or become old.

This study used data from more than 2,400 sets of fraternal and identical twins. Among these, the exercising twins had longer telomeres than their more sedentary siblings. Heavy exercisers had relatively long telomeres—comparable to those of couch potatoes 10 years younger. Heavy exercisers were defined as those who put in more than three hours a week running, cycling, pumping iron, or other vigorous activity. Sedentary twins put in less than 16 minutes a week on average.


Source: Cherkas, L.F., et al. The association between physical activity in leisure time and leukocyte telomere length. Arch Intern Med 2008;168:154-158.





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Copyright © 2011,  Bruce Fife. All rights reserved.