E-Mail Edition  Volume 14   Number 4

Published Fall, 2017

Published by Piccadilly Books, Ltd., www.piccadillybooks.com.

Bruce Fife, N.D., Publisher, www.coconutresearchcenter.org  


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  •  Overcoming Adult Epilepsy with the Ketogenic Diet

  • Coconut Oil: Nature’s Premier Superfood

  •  The Anti-Aging Effects of Ketones and Coconut Oil

  • How Well Are You Aging?







Overcoming Adult Epilepsy with the Ketogenic Diet

By Jade Nelson


Chugging down the track, you overtook me, minding my own business, doing eight year old things, it was like you zapped me inside my tiny little body. I became extremely dizzy; the right side of my body went limp and impossible to use.

You pushed me backwards and the hard floor caught me. A scream came from deep inside me but it was trapped inside my brain unable to escape my lips. You caused me to be alone, you taught me what true loneliness is. You forced me down a dark tunnel where I could hear but I was silenced. There was nothing but blackness all around me I could hear you Epilepsy…..the sound of a train in the distance, it was you and you were coming fast. Lying in the darkness, I felt you run through me. The Train…yes you Epilepsy came to a painful stop, leaving me with a pounding sledge hammer in my head. Emerging from the tunnel, I heard my mom’s voice say, “Jade, it’s okay now.”

In the summer of 1987, I had my first seizure a month shy of my eighth birthday. In the Spring of 1988 I went in for a brain biopsy that determined I had a scar on the left side of my temporal lobe and I was officially diagnosed with epilepsy.  


These days, I think a lot about how my mum felt. I was diagnosed so young it didn’t feel like the end of something for me, it simply was a part of me and I didn’t know life before epilepsy. The only thing I knew was that “I just wanted to be normal.” In the beginning, my mum worried and was always watching. I think she was afraid I would have a seizure and fall and hurt myself or maybe even die. I recently talked with my mum about my epilepsy. She said, “I remember one day when I was telling you to be careful

Jade as a child.
Jade in the hospital at the time of her diagnosis.

and you looked at me and said ‘mum I just want to be normal’ and it broke my heart. From that point on, I had to trust that everything would be okay and allow you to live your life. If something did happen, I knew that you were doing what you loved.”

I was so lucky to have a family that never held me back and believed I was just as capable as anyone. I was also so lucky to have a mother who was a nurse and made sure I was well educated on my diagnosis and my medications and that it wasn’t something to keep quiet but to understand. Her gift of self-empowerment through knowledge continues to be a cornerstone of how I live.

I struggled at different stages in my life due to my epilepsy. While in elementary school I become fearful that I would have a seizure and the teachers wouldn’t know what to do, so I stopped going to school. That fear went on for six months until the day the truant officer came to my house and said, “If you don’t go to school you will be taken away from your family.” Only the fear of being taken from my family outweighed the fear of a seizure. The next day, my dad drove me to school. As he pulled up to the front, I sat in the car battling the voice inside my head and the deep sick feeling in my gut. Then the car behind us honked its horn. To this day I am not sure what really made me do it but I jumped out of the car and went to school and that fear was gone. From that day forward I was stronger than the fear of having a seizure. I had only the choice to move forward and know it would be okay whatever happened. Over the next 20 years I would face judgement, other people’s fears, personal embarrassment, and various challenges. My parents helped stand up for me and fight those judgements until I was able to do it for myself. Each of those experiences made me stronger and more determined to show the world that epilepsy would not define me but drive me to change myself and the world.

Over the years I changed medications, usually due to the fact that they stopped controlling my seizures or the side effects were too great. I have been on phenobarbital, Tegretol, Gabitril, Lamictal, Carbatrol, Keppra, Vimpat, Zonisamide, Ativan, and Kolonipin. I was told by doctors I would always have to be on medication. The side effects of these medications affected me greatly. I required 10 hours of sleep, learning was a challenge, I had constant headaches, and felt like I was on an emotional roller coaster. Being diagnosed so young and being placed on medication early, the side effects felt normal to me. It makes me so sad to say that, but it was true, I didn’t know anything different. When I got older, my biggest worry about my medications was cost. Over time, I began to think more about what it was doing to me, and then five years ago I began dreaming of what being off medication would feel like. I wondered, would my personality be different? Would my stomach not always feel sick? Would I sleep better? The list went on and on.  

In 2014, after being seizure-free for 3 years, I had a seizure at swim practice. I had been struggling with auras and my medication was becoming really expensive even with insurance. So, I made the decision to change medications and I went with the generic Zonisamide, knowing full well that generics had a 20 percent variance and had caused issues of breakthrough seizures (increased seizure activity after a period of stability) for me when I was younger. We began the titration process and over the next year I battled side effects like I had never experienced. By the fall of 2015, I was diagnosed with gastritis. I had lost 25 pounds and my doctor diagnosed me as underweight.I also suffered from brain fog, mood swings, depression, and fatigue. Each morning was a struggle to get out of bed. I had to cut back on work. I cried daily. At this point, I was ready to give in to my epilepsy and simply give up. Spending my whole life fighting a diagnosis with medications, that felt like they were killing me, was just too much. I was beyond tired of living this life with epilepsy. In spite of all this, deep down I knew I was luckier than some with my diagnosis and I did have various times in my life that I was seizure-free, but the medication side effects were hard and I wanted so badly to not need them. I was in despair.

In late 2015, I received a call from my younger sister saying, “You need to look into the ketogenic diet.”This is where my life was about to change. My dream of being off medication and the opportunity to finally see what it was like to live a normal life, just might be possible. But I was going to have to make drastic changes to my diet and lifestyle and I wondered if I was ready.

I was aware of the ketogenic diet but had not considered it viable for me because I thought of it as something for children; I was now in my mid-30s. But I was at rock bottom and willing to do anything. I went and saw my neurologist and told him I wanted to be on the ketogenic diet and requested to be taken off Zonisamide and stay on only Carbatrol and Vimpat. He sent me away with a titration schedule to take me off Zonisamide and a link to the Charlie Foundation website, to learn more about the diet. I was told to eat no more than 50 grams of carbohydrate a day and as much protein as I wanted. For the first time in a long time, I felt hopeful and I was ready “to heal myself.” Little did I know it was going to take more than the scant information he provided.

I spent the next year figuring it out. Each morning I spent hours researching online. My husband found apps to help me, I ordered books, looked at websites, listened to podcasts, and created a social media account to look for others who were using the ketogenic diet for epilepsy. The issue I came up against was there were not that many adults using keto to control their seizures.

Eventually, I came across a woman using the ketogenic way of eating to control her seizures. We started talking weekly on the phone and texting. Her support helped me get through the early days. She helped quell my fears of having high enough ketones to control seizure activity. She constantly reminded me that I still had a life to live and didn't need to worry and focus on my food all the time. When I hit my year mark on the diet, I finally found a dietician who added additional guidance. Having my family and a community to support me made surviving this journey possible but it wouldn’t have happened if I wasn’t willing to do the work and realizing it was not just a diet but a lifestyle.

Committing to this lifestyle did more than just control my seizures, it set me free. I’ve created a new relationship with food and I have become a fantastic cook. I started my own business that focuses on whole body care and personal empowerment and I work with companies that encourage a healthy lifestyle. I am driving now, something I had chosen in the past not to do until my seizures were under better control. I am still on two medications, Carbatrol and Vimpat, but I am on the least amount of medication in my life.

I have found peace within myself. Physically, I feel amazing! I sleep better, no longer feel constantly sick to my stomach, and my headaches have lessened greatly. I feel good mentally and emotionally too. I no longer have brain fog, my moods are even, I smile more, and my world has truly opened up. My view of the world no matter what it throws at me is manageable now.  


Epilepsy doesn’t hold me back anymore and making the decision to use the ketogenic diet to heal myself has become the driving force behind my larger goal of changing the lives of those around me for the better. My dream of educating, sharing my story and empowering individuals to not let their diagnoses define them is a reality for me.  

I thought the ketogenic diet was the end of my journey of healing but it has become my new beginning—a beginning that can, in time, allow me to become completely medication free and be able to help others find the success that I have.


Jade as an adult.
Jade today.

To learn more about Jade go to https://jadenelson.net/ or Instagram: @thetraininsideme.





Coconut Oil: Nature’s Premier Superfood


As research continues, the number of health benefits associated with coconut oil continues to grow. New research shows coconut oil can prevent and reverse a wide range of chronic and degenerative diseases and even slow aging.

 When I was in the process of writing my first book on coconut oil back in the late 1990s, I read every published research study I could find on the topic. I read through hundreds of medical and nutritional studies learning about the amazing health benefits associated with coconut oil and its medium chain triglycerides (MCTs).

In 2000, The Coconut Oil Miracle was published. In the book, I listed all the health properties and benefits mentioned in the medical literature and made sure to cite references. I also listed a few of the traditional benefits that have survived the test of time, again with citations to reliable sources.  


Not long after the book came out, readers began contacting me to share their success stories using coconut oil. I love to hear success stores because it lets me know that the research findings that I describe in my books are being seen by users and that the benefits of coconut oil aren’t just theoretical or isolated to laboratory settings, but can be experienced by people in everyday life.

People reported how coconut oil helped them overcome infections,

The Coconut Oil Miracle by Bruce Fife


improve digestion, boost energy, aid in weight loss, improve blood cholesterol and triglyceride values, lower blood sugar levels, and overcome troubling skin conditions, all of which were described in my book and were backed by scientific evidence. They were all believable and helped to substantiate the research findings described in my book.

However, some people would tell me how coconut oil had helped them with a health issue that I had not mentioned and for which there were no studies or scientific rational to support the effect they reported. I viewed these reports with some skepticism. By nature I am very skeptical of health claims on any product and I need a solid scientific explanation as to why it works or see some valid published studies before I’m willing to accept it. Too many health claims are made for products that have no basis in science and are supported only by unproven theories or personal stories from enthusiastic believers. Such claims are notoriously unreliable. People can become so excited about a new product that the positive effects they report are simply in their imaginations.

I made a mental note of these stories, but paid little attention to them. Over time, however, I began to hear a few stories repeated over and over again by different people. I could ignore a single isolated incident, but when numerous people began telling me how coconut oil helped them or family members with the same problems, I began to take notice. That was too much of a coincidence to ignore. Simply because there were no published studies to substantiate these effects, at that time, it didn’t mean that they were invalid. It just meant that more studies needed to be done.

Some of these stories involved conditions like Parkinson’s disease, MS, diabetes, cancer, and epilepsy. For many years epilepsy had been successfully treated using a special diet known as the ketogenic diet. The ketogenic diet is one that is very low in carbohydrate and high in fat. Carbohydrate in our diets are converted to glucose in the body and glucose is the primary fuel for our cells. A diet lacking carbohydrate must rely on stored fat for most of its energy needs. Therefore, body fat is broken down into fatty acids to be used as fuel in the absence of glucose. Some of these fatty acids are converted into another type of fuel known as ketone bodies or ketones. The brain has a particular need for ketones in the absence of glucose. Ketones themselves have therapeutic effects on the entire body but especially the brain. This is why the ketogenic diet has been so successful in treating epilepsy. In recent years the diet has proven equally as successful in treating other neurological conditions such as Parkinson’s disease, MS, and Alzheimer’s disease. Ketones also have positive effects on diabetes, cancer, and other health problems.

MCTs are naturally ketogenic. When coconut oil is consumed, many of the MCTs in the oil are automatically converted into ketones regardless of the amount of carbohydrate in the diet. Here was the connection between neurological disorders, like epilepsy, and coconut oil. I began to research the ketogenic diet and its relationship to MCTs. This lead me to the missing link between coconut oil, and many of the success stories people were telling me about that otherwise had no scientific justification. 

The original, (or classic ketogenic diet) was developed in the early 1920s specifically to treat epilepsy. Unlike drugs used to treat the condition, the ketogenic diet allows the brain to heal, and in many instances, can dramatically reduce and even completely eliminate seizures. However, the diet is harsh. To reduce blood glucose and promote the production of ketones from stored body fat, dietary carbohydrate was reduced to 2 percent of total calories. To make up for the missing carbohydrate calories and to supply additional fat for the production of ketones, fat intake was increased to at much as 90 percent of calories. The remaining 8 percent of calories came from protein. Although the diet is very therapeutic, it was difficult to manage. Meals took special efforts to prepare and quickly became unappetizing. Many patients could not tolerate the diet for long, and as more drugs became available, they opted to go the drug route.

In the 1970s it was discovered that MCTs from coconut oil were naturally ketogenic, that is, they could be converted into ketones regardless of how much carbohydrate one ate. The use of coconut and MCT oils as the primary source of fat in the ketogenic diet has reduced the requirement for total fat calories to about 50 to 60 percent, with the same level of effectiveness as the classic ketogenic diet. This has allowed for the addition of more carbohydrate and protein. The modified MCT ketogenic diet, is better tolerated because it allows a greater variety of foods to be eaten, which makes the diet more palatable and nutritious. It also makes the diet far easier to implement without special training from a dietitian, so anybody can benefit from a ketogenic diet with some basic instructions.

Replacing some, or most, of the fats in the ketogenic diet with coconut or MCT oils, enhances the therapeutic effects of the diet. Eventually, it was discovered that if you consume enough MCTs in an ordinary diet, you could raise blood ketones to mild therapeutic levels with results approaching that of the ketogenic diet.

Studies have uncovered many health benefits associated with ketones. Ketones are considered a superfuel for the body, providing up to 25 percent more energy than glucose. They improve oxygen utilization by the cells, and increase blood flow to the brain by 39 percent, increasing circulation and oxygen delivery to this vital organ. Unlike glucose, ketones are easily absorbed into cells without the need of insulin, and therefore, are not hampered by insulin resistance. They enhance immune function and stimulate the production of white blood cells. They have a strong anti-inflammatory action, and signal genes to increase production of protective antioxidants, such as glutathione. Ketones activate special proteins in the brain that regulate brain cell function, maintenance, and repair. Ketones being made of fat, provide the basic lipid building blocks for the growth of new brain cells. They protect the brain from the sticky amyloid plaque deposits that develop in Alzheimer’s patients. They interfere with cancer cells’ ability to absorb glucose, increase cancer cells’ sensitivity to chemo and radiation therapy, and protect against the awful side effects caused by these therapies. Ketones improve insulin sensitivity and help moderate blood sugar. The list goes on and on.

Many of the benefits that have been documented with ketones, have in recent years also been documented with the consumption of coconut oil. It has become clear that many of the health benefits people where relating to me from the use of coconut oil came as a result of the ketogenic effect of the oil, and there was good science to back it up. In fact, there is far more research on the effects of ketones and the ketogenic diet than there is on coconut oil. This has led me to investigate the ketogenic side of coconut oil and to write a series of books based on this new data: 


Stop Alzheimer's Now

Stop Autism Now

Stop Vision Loss Now


The Coconut Ketogenic Diet 

Dr. Fife's Keto Cookery 

Ketone Therapy


If you would like to learn more about any of the books shown above, just click the cover.


Of course, all the claims in these books are backed by published studies and further fortified by actual success stories. Each of these books describes the benefits of ketones and the ketogenic diet, and how the incorporation of coconut oil into the diet can successfully treat many previously untreatable conditions.

My most recent book, Ketone Therapy, describes the therapeutic uses of ketones and how coconut oil and the ketogenic diet, separately or together, can prevent, stop, and reverse many chronic, degenerative conditions and produce an anti-aging effect—again, all documented by published research.

I would like to point out that only oils that consist primarily of MCTs, namely coconut and palm kernel oils, have this ketogenic effect. None of the above benefits can be found with olive oil, flaxseed oil, krill oil, borage oil, or any other so-called healthy oil because none of these other oils contain any MCTs. Coconut oil is truly a superfood that surpasses all other dietary oils in terms of health benefits. In fact, there is probably no other food, in any category, that provides as many benefits as coconut oil does.



The Anti-Aging Effects of Ketones and Coconut Oil

Youthfull looking senior citizens

Youthfull senior citizens — Storyblocks


Whether ketones come from eating a very low-carb ketogenic diet, or from coconut oil (coconut ketones), their therapeutic effects are the same. Ketones have been shown to improve all of the health markers doctors’ measure when evaluating a patient’s health status. Ketones do the following:

• Reduce blood glucose and improve insulin sensitivity

• Reduce blood insulin levels

• Raise HDL cholesterol

• Reduce blood triglycerides

• Increase large, beneficial LDL cholesterol

• Reduce small, dense, potentially harmful cholesterol

• Reduce body weight and body mass index (BMI)

• Reduce waist circumference (reduce abdominal or visceral fat)

• Normalize blood pressure

• Reduce cholesterol ratio (total cholesterol/HDL)

• Reduce triglyceride ratio (triglyceride/HDL)

• Reduce C-reactive protein (a marker for systemic inflammation)

• Increase human growth hormone (HGH) levels

• Reduce advanced glycation end products (AGEs)

• Reduce free radicals and oxidative stress


All of these contribute to improved health and longer lifespan. AGEs and excess free radicals (oxidative stress) have long been implicated as major contributors to the aging process, and reducing their influence has been viewed as a key feature in preserving good health and extending healthspan (healthy lifespan).

Human growth hormone (HGH) has gained the reputation of being an anti-aging hormone. We have high levels of HGH in our youth, but levels decline with age.  HGH supports bone mineralization and density, maintains and increases muscle mass, reduces fat production and storage, supports immune function, improves memory and cognitive function, reduces cardiovascular risk factors, and promotes rapid healing from injury and illness. Bodybuilders and athletes often use the synthetic version of the hormone to aid in weight loss, boost muscle strength, and improve athletic performance. You don’t need to inject a synthetic hormone to accomplish this, therapeutic levels of ketones from a proper ketogenic diet can stimulate your own body to produce natural HGH—the kind most suitable for your body, without all the side effects associated with the synthetic versions.

Studies have repeatedly shown that the ketogenic diet slows down the aging process and extends healthy lifespan. For decades researchers have studied the life-extending effects of calorie-restricted diets, where total daily calorie intake is reduce by 20 to 40 percent. In animals, lifespan has increased by as much as 40 percent simply by reducing the amount of food they eat. Age-related conditions, such as diabetes, heart disease, and failing memory, are also suppressed. Studies have shown this same effect can be duplicated simply by reducing carbohydrate consumption, without actually reducing total calorie intake.1-2

A recent study suggests that a ketogenic diet could increase healthspan by as much as 10 years. In the study mice were assigned to one of three diets: a ketogenic, low-carb, or control diet. As the mice aged, only those on the ketogenic diet maintained their youthful physiological function. The high-fat ketogenic diet significantly increased lifespan compared to the other two diets. These mice saw a 13 percent increase in lifespan, which would translate into 10 extra years in humans.3

If you are experiencing symptoms of premature aging, a ketogenic diet or the consumption of therapeutic levels of coconut oil may not only slow the aging process but possibly reverse it! Many people with high blood pressure, elevated blood sugar and insulin levels, unhealthy cholesterol levels, high oxidative stress, excess body fat, and other symptoms of aging and poor health, have been able to successfully reverse all of these conditions, essentially turning back the clock on the aging process.

You can learn more about all of this in my book Ketone Therapy: The Ketogenic Cleanse and Anti-Aging Diet.



1. Veech, RL, et al. Ketone bodies mimic the life span extending properties of caloric restriction. UBMB Life 2017;69:305-314.

2. Newman, JC, et al. Ketogenic diet reduces midlife mortality and improves memory in aging mice. Cell Metab 2017;26:547-557.

3. Roberts, MN, et al. A ketogenic diet extends longevity and healthspan in adult mice. Cell Metab 2017;26:539-546.



 How Well Are You Aging?



 Although we all age chronologically, we do not age at the same rate. A healthy 60-year-old can be “functionally” as young as a 45-year-old, while a sickly 40-year-old could have a body comparable to a 70-year-old. Those people who live the longest are generally free of debilitating disease for most of their lives. They are functionally younger than those people whose bodies degenerate and die before their time.

Several “biomarkers” are used by scientists as a way of measuring functional age in people. By measuring a person’s biomarkers, functional age can be determined. There are many types of biomarkers, some involving equipment and measurements that require medical supervision. Some you can do yourself in your own home. Below are a few biomarker tests you can take to roughly determine your

Healthy senior woman
Youthfull woman — Storyblocks

functional age. Please be aware that there is wide variation in the results on these tests and they shouldn’t be taken as absolute evaluations of your health status, but they will give you a calculated estimate.

After taking each individual test we will summarize the results to determine your overall functional age. Please note that this test is designed for people age 20 and above.


Skin Elasticity Test

As we age, our skin loses it elasticity due to the lifelong exposure to AGEs and oxidative stress. Significant changes usually occur at about the age of 45. It is a good marker for how the skin changes after this age. At younger ages, there are only slight changes.

For this test, pinch the skin on the back of your hand between the thumb and forefinger for five seconds. Let go and time how long it takes for the skin to completely flatten back out. The shorter the time, the younger your functional age. Compare your results to the table below.



Time (sec)       






56 or more        


Functional Age (years)

44 or younger





Over 70



Static Balance Test

This test is considered the best biomarker among the do-it-yourself measurements. There is a full 100 percent decline with age.

The static balance test measures how long you can stand on one leg with your eyes closed before losing your balance.

For this test, you must be either barefoot or wearing low-healed shoes. Stand on a hard surface with both feet together, close your eyes, and lift one foot about six inches off the ground. If you are right-handed, lift your left foot and if you are left-handed, lift your right foot. The raised knee should be bent at about a 45-degree angle. Don’t move, just stand on one foot with your eyes closed. Have someone time you. When you lose your balance and touch the ground with the other foot, record the time. Do the test three times and take an average. Check your results with the table below.


Time (sec)       

30 or more






Functional Age (years)









Strength Test

As we age, we tend to lose muscle mass and strength. Muscle mass starts declining at about age 40 and speeds up after about 50. Loss of strength increases risk of falls and makes performing routine tasks, such as carrying groceries, more difficult.

Push-ups are a good test of overall strength because they not only involve muscles in the upper body but the stomach and back as well. When doing push-ups, keep the back straight and head up. The chest should come down to a distance equal to the size of a clinched fist, or about 4 to 5 inches from the ground. Arms should be fully extended with each push-up. Men should have only their toes and palms of their hands on the floor. Women should rest their knees on the ground. Do as many push-ups as you can.


Number of Push-ups
















Functional Age (years)






70 and older



Flexibility Test

How far you can reach beyond your toes from a sitting position can indicate how stiff your arteries are. In a healthy body the arteries are soft and elastic. They can easily stretch with body movement, expand, and contract when necessary to facilitate proper blood flow, and moderate blood pressure. As we age, the arteries tend to become stiff. Blood flow is restricted, blood pressure rises, and risk of cardiovascular disease increases.

Stiffness in the midsection of the body seems to reflect arteries that have begun to lose their elasticity. Those people who cannot reach to or beyond their toes are more likely to have higher blood pressure and suffer from a heart attack or stroke. For people 40 years and older, even if they’re a little overweight, trunk flexibility is a good indicator of arterial flexibility.

To do this test, sit down with your back against a wall, and with your legs on the floor in front of you. Try to touch your toes without bending your knees. Measure the distance from finger tips to toes. Compare your results with the chart below.



Distance (inches)








Functional Age (years)

39 or younger








Driving Response Test

This test measures your reaction time. It evaluates how quickly your brain and nerves respond to a stimulus.

This test takes you to another website where you will test your reactions while driving down the street in a car. A stop sign will suddenly appear and you must put on the breaks as quickly as possible. The time it takes for you to complete this action indicates your functional age. Practice once or twice before recording your score. For the best results, take the test three times, add your scores and divide by three, this will be your score for the Driving Response Test. 

To take the test, go here https://www.justpark.com/creative/reaction-time-test/. When you get to the site, click the down arrow to begin the test. After taking the Driving Response Test, come back to this page to finish the test. Take the test now, before reading any further.


How well did you do? It is not unusual to score below your chronological age in some of the above tests and over for others. Evaluating the results of all the tests together can give you a reliable estimation of your functional age.

You will now combine the scores on each of the five tests to determine your overall functional age. In two of the tests, the Skin Elasticity and Flexibility Tests, the youngest ages you could score are 44 and 39 respectively. If you scored the minimum on either of these tests, you will need to adjust the score according to your chronological age, as described below.

 If your score on the Skin Elasticity Test was 44 or younger, and your chronological age is 44 or younger, use your true age to tally your total score, otherwise, use your actual score.

If your score on the Flexibility Test was 39 or younger, and your chronological age is 39 or younger, use your true age in the calculations, otherwise use your actual score.

Add up the scores on each of the five tests, then divide by five to arrive at your functional age. See the example below. For this example let’s assume the subject is 38 years old.




Skin Elasticity Test

Static Balance


Strength Test

Flexibility Test

Driving Response



Functional Age (years)

44, use actual age of 38 years








Total Score 38+30+30+45+42=185


Divide 185 by 5 gives an overall score of 37. This person is 38 years old but has a functional age of 37.

 If you scored a functional age younger than your chronological age, you are doing well and probably consume coconut oil regularly.

If you scored a functional age older than your chronological age, you are in need of help and probably need to consume more coconut oil or go on a ketogenic diet.




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Copyright © 2017, Bruce Fife. All rights reserved.